Engagement model: fixed price and on going support
- Login via facebook/gmail
- Social network suport user upload a post with multiple photos or a video
- Friend management feature
- Find nearby friends based on address
- Send chat message in app
- Like or comment on a post
- Share user information to other users
- Native facebook ads
- Facebook login, image upload, video upload, friend seach based on location, chat, message post, like or comment on post, facebook ad
- React-native
- Quickblox (chat feature)
- MongoDB
- Google map API
- Firebase notification
- Facebookd ads sdk
- Facebook ads sdk does not support react-native
- Quickblox does not support react-native
- Apple reject upload to Appstore because app does not have content management feature
- Convert facebook sdk native to support react-native
- Convert quickblox sdk to support react-native
- Develop mobile application for admin to manage uploaded content and users